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Stats on the Pre-Germany Road Trip

Because I'm a geek and I know that you want to know!!

Total Miles Driven: 7511

Home to Ottumwa, IA = 471 miles
to Denver, CO = 586 miles
to Clearfield, UT = 562 miles
to Halfway, OR = 488 miles
to Portland, OR = 554 miles
to Willow, CA = 491 miles
to San Fran, CA = 337 miles
to LA, CA = 367 miles
to Tucson, AZ = 489 miles
to Nogales; El Paso; Austin, TX = 1116 miles **Most driven in one stretch
to New Orleans, LA = 682 miles
to Ft Walton Beach, FL = 314 miles
to Georgetown, IN = 778 miles
to Home = 276 miles **Least driven in one stretch

Total States visited (only counted if I stopped in a state): 11 States; 2 Countries

Total Days on Trip: 32

Total Nights in Hotel: 7
Halfway, OR = 1 night
Clearfield, UT = 1 night
Willow, CA = 1 night
Tucon, AZ = 1 night
New Orleans, LA = 3 nights

Total Friends visited: 15
Robert; Ottumwa, IA
Jason; Fremont, NE
Teresa K; Kearney, NE
Teresa P; Denver, CO
Kim; Portland, OR
Mike; Portland, OR
Aaron; San Francisco, CA
Judy; Los Angeles, CA
Stephanie; New Orleans, LA
Jenni; Ft Walton Beach, FL
Lisa; Georgetown, IN
Connie; Georgetown, IN
Randall; Corydon, IN
Tony; Corydon, IN
Jason; Corydon, IN

Total New Acquaintances: 14
Lisa; Denver, CO
Dick and Charlene; Hell's Canyon, OR
Jared; Hitchhiking in OR
Peter; San Francisco, CA
Brent; San Francisco, CA
Derek; San Francisco, CA
Matt; San Francisco, CA
Tom; Los Angeles, CA
Don; Palm Springs, CA
Antonio; Nogales Mexico
Trish; Austin, TX
Eric; Austin, TX
Nate; New Orleans, LA
Ricky; Ft Walton Beach, FL

Aco's Doggie Friends: 4
Dakota; Denver, CO
Blacky; Hells Canyon, OR
Bentley; Portland, OR
Leo; San Francisco, CA

I was lucky to have no major traffic jams, no automobile break-downs, no sick days; and only FABULOUS experiences all along the way!

Thank you to all the friends (old and new) that helped make this trip possible!!

Posted by Khandilee 19:26 Archived in USA Tagged automotive

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Glad I got to see you after so long. Only wish we had, had more time to catch up better and to show off the beautiful beaches that I have learned. Only thing I can say is.....I will still be here awaiting your arrival in 2 yrs. Just try to plan on spending a couple more days with me.


by Jennifer Lindsey

You're awesome...what a trip! I loved reading all your stats! Happy trails my friend, and keep in touch...I can't wait to hear all about Germany.

by Kim

Thanks Jen! I am planning a return trip after Germany...and definitely some BEACH TIME!

Kim...Keep reading, there will certainly be many stories to be told!

9 days and counting.....

by Khandilee

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