A Travellerspoint blog

A Brief and Hectic visit Home

After spending a few days in Southern Indiana visiting with my friend Lisa and my boy Corey.....I am back at home, briefly. I will be flying out to Germany in a mere 10 days. I feel like I have a ton of things to do before I leave....

The flights that I booked at Eglin AFB, had to be changed because my sponsor didn't want to have to go to Frankfurt to pick me up. I will now be flying into BWI then transferring to a Military Troop Rotator flight for the remainder of my trip to Ramstein AFB. It will certainly be an experience that few, other than military personnel get.

I have decided to move my personal things out of my apartment here at home in order to save a little extra money. I am taking most of my things to Corey for him to use, and the rest will go into storage. I've been busy sorting and packing.

Aco has relaxed a little bit and seems glad to be in 'home' surroundings.

I found out two days ago that the housing that they have arranged for me in Germany is NOT pet-friendly. I have agonized over this for the past two days and have finally resigned myself to the fact that I am going to have to leave her behind temporarily. I really saddens me. I am a little angry that no one told me that it was going to be an issue to travel with a pet....

I am planning to keep her here with my Mom and fly them both out late Dec or early January. It's really been a difficult decision. So please send good karma that I will find great housing quickly so I can be re-united with my doggie-baby soon.

Off I go to continue packing, study for my German Drivers license and cuddle with my puppy!!

Posted by Khandilee 17:17 Archived in USA Tagged travelling_with_pets

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All the best wishes to getting to a place that Aco can join you, hope that it will be soon....Sorry, that your plans have changed from what you had your heart set on and what seemed to be easy accommodations, it will all work out, may not be as quickly as you had hoped but will work, I know this in my heart......You are a great women who has worked very hard for this opportunity, and you deserve all that is lying before you....Take hold and remember that we truly only have our memories.
Be safe in your travels.

Love ya, and you are in my heart and mind


by Jennifer Lindsey

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